16 Random Things About Me

The rules are pretty straightforward:

Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1. I have a slight panic attack anytime directly before I have to sing in front of other people no matter how long I’ve know them or just before I board a plane. And I sing and fly often.

2. I LOVE COOKIES, if could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be fresh baked cookies. any kind. I once baked and ate two rolls of Pillsbury chocolate chip by myself. 

3. I’ve never broken a bone but I’ve fractured and sprained my right pinky finger over 16 times.

4.  I hate wearing slacks 

5. I have 5 octave vocal range… which mean I can do that whistle thing mariah carey does.

6. I think trans-men are the cutest things in the world

7. I WAS a twin

8. I have 59 cousins in my immediate family 

9. I work in jewish neighborhood but have mostly asian students 

10. I can only fall asleep if I’m on the right side of the bed.

11. I never remember how to use Microsoft Excel. though I know how to use it.

12. I use wrestling as a means of foreplay

13. When I learn peoples names I imaged them written down or I won’t remeber.

14. I only know the name of one person who lives in my building and I’ve lived here for 3 years

15. As a kid used imitate harriet the spy 

16. I’m so shy I can’t look people in the eye until i’ve known them over a week.

One thought on “16 Random Things About Me

  1. 1. I’m kinda shy even though i go to tons of parties and events that require me to talk.

    2. I occasional have hankering for toilet tissue.

    3. I cant really talk to people I like in a I want to date you kinda sense.

    4. I tend to not know who people are when they come up to me.

    5. I tend to not like talking to effeminate men.

    6. I also use wrestling as a means of foreplay.

    7. I have colitis.

    8. I dont like uber peppy people.

    9. my mother is crazy, no really she is.

    10. I dont like my family.

    11. I dont really have any aspirations in life.

    12. I want to be in love but I just cant get past my utter awkwardness to make a move.

    13. I didn’t like how they killed Bruce Wayne batman in final crisis.

    14. I am totally into Coheed and Cambria.

    15. I dont relate to queer culture that well. I’m the anti-queer queer.

    16. I’m currently in love with a local hip hop dude but not sure if he’s queer.

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